Chemo Treatments
I’m now on a four-drug treatment schedule for the next several months: every other Thursday I go to Fred Hutch for a chemotherapy infusion. Tomorrow, March 6, is the next infusion. For about three or four days I feel awful. But it is not immediate; symptoms [fatigue, muscle aches, shaking chills] occur about a week later. I sleep a lot, but only several hours at a time; overall, I’m a little sleep deprived. The skin condition and constant itching is supposed to get better soon.
You will be surprised to hear: the most prominent cancer symptom is my emotions. I am quick to get tearful and emotionally overwhelmed but all in a good way. Examples: talking to my granddaughters, a movie, holding one of my dogs. My whole life, I’ve had trouble getting in touch with my emotions; not anymore.
I have two shadows that follow me everywhere. Meet Clacey and Luna (below). Between the two of them and Diane, I feel well cared for.